What is notaviva?
it’s a connection
NOTAVIVA is the intrinsic effect of music upon human emotion. In other words, it’s the feeling you get when you hear your favorite song.
From the italian:
NOTA = music note
VIVA = with life
A different approach to beverage pairings
Our original goal was to design a word that could capture the rush experienced when your favorite song comes on the radio. What is the reflex that makes you reach for the volume? What causes the sadness when a love song brings back the memories of a long-lost romance? Explain the tingle on your skin during the finale of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, or the tear in your eye during Puccini's "Nessun Dorma." Why do you play air drums during the drum solo in “Tom Sawyer” by Rush?
That connection, that “feeling you get when you hear your favorite song” is Notaviva.
Our goal in the founding of our farm winery and brewery is to capture those feelings and instill them in our beverages. Be it joy or sadness, we endeavor to create beverages that will connect our patrons with their occasions. From our “Vincerò” Viognier (best paired with acoustic guitar rock) to our “Waves of Kilkee” Irish Blonde Ale (best paired with the music of Cherish the Ladies) to our “I’ll Melt With You” dry-hopped pear cider / Sauvignon Blanc blend (best paired with 80’s New Wave) our beverages seek to convey a wide range of emotions to enhance the enjoyment of the entire experience.